Thursday, August 11, 2011

where is my good listener? they gone!

yah, how i wish i have someone beside me now. listening to me, gives me some good words! i need her(s) now. but never mind. cos i'm telling myself that i will not disturb anyone anymore for my problems! just should settle it up by myself. so many problems and i hate it.  PLEASE GOOO AWAYYYY... i just wish that someone can listening to me and answering me in a good way! not keep saying that its my fault! "OR DAH MEMANG DIA MACAM TU,KAU TAHU KAN. SO TAK PAYAH LAYAN". or just keep quiet then tukar topic... yah, aku tahu lah aku ada buat salah jugak, but when i'm trying to be nice again and that person like ignore me then what i'm supposed to do? tell me? bila aku cerita, ada je yang asyik nak menyalahkan aku. memanglah dia tua and aku patut mengalah, tapi kalau dah lebih2??  its soooo private, hard and i can't say about it. just hope that my BEST listener is here for me so i can share everything to her! macam dulu2,, but i know that now they will just say "okay, don't think too much, it will over soon" , "u just take care okay"... thats all?.  yeah, now. they will only answering me like that.  but   THANK YOU.  
 i appreciated it.. daripada takde langsung kan. how i wish that my diary can gives me some words! but its just impossible!
**  really i don't like the way u are now,  for me u guys just nothing now. please just take ur problems away from me! i don't know what to do now. just jangan buat aku benci dengan perangai kau, kau, kau!  issssshhhhhhh. 

Kalau dapat holiday nie kan best, pergi holiday sorang2! tak pening kepala. dengan family cam nie, dengan dia macam tu! arrrgghh. wateverrrrrrr !!!!