Sunday, September 11, 2011

k bye!

Doen't means if we made a mistake before we can't change it after that right, duit mama bukan habis kat aku sorang. kau pun sama. if u want to be a successful person one day why i can't? u wanna a job that comes with a good salary then i want it also? if u wanna get ur diploma then i wanna get it also! i said i will get the loan if i wanna continue it, when i talked to u. Ada ke aku mintak duit kau??? U said talk nicely with mum, and when i do it, u ended up with ur bullshits? i'm done my part as a sister here, if u said that i'm done nothing that fine for me cos u never appreciate me. see the way u treat ur friends and the way u treat me? see the different? kadang aku terasa kenapa kau layan kawan kau punya lah baik tapi kau layan kakak kau macam apa? aku malas nak tegur kau banyak2 je pasal kau confirm melenting kan?if kau nak cakap mama habis duit die banyak kat aku? abis die tak habiskan duit kat kau ke? kau nak cakap mama habiskan duit die belikan kete untuk aku? tapi ade ke aku pakai kete tu for kepentingan aku sendiri??? yeah, i forgot. as a sister we should always give in! right? duit mama yang tinggal tu is for adik2 futher studies, i have enough with all of u? apa aku nak buat tak boleh, nak pergi belajar tak boleh, keje pun nak kau tentukan. aku nak buat decision sendiri! i'm sorry if i have hurt anyone! sorry!